Bye bye 9 to 5: working it wherever you want

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Working from home during the pandemic has allow many of us to be release from the daily grind and commute to and from the office.

And now, it seems that people may be reluctant to go back to their old routines. With the possibility of remote work becoming a long-term UFABET reality,

Bye bye 9 to 5 work it wherever you want

Work and play

Now that people may have the freedom to work from wherever they choose, 2021 could bring a significant rise in travellers looking to take longer trips that combine work and pleasure. Over half of global travellers (52%) said they would take the opportunity to extend any business trip so that they could schedule in some leisure time. Many are also likely to add a week or two to their holiday in order to work remotely.

Accommodation must-haves

While working from our own homes has its perks, over one third (37%) of those asked have already considered booking somewhere to stay for a welcome change of scenery. These travellers are mostly looking for accommodation that has home office facilities, fast Wi-Fi and most importantly, a spectacular view or cosy area to help make the work day fly by.

The business side of travel

Laptops are looking to become the newest travel necessity of 2021. Many are also likely to add a week or two to their holiday in order to work remotely.

Slide 1 – Working from home during the pandemic has made me consider working remotely from a different destination (i.e. taking a Workcation).